姓名:韩伟 研究员



韩伟,男,中科院合肥研究院健康与医学技术研究所基础医学研究中心副主任,研究员,博士生导师。1980年2月出生于安徽省蒙城县。2000年7月毕业于安徽大学生命科学院生物化学专业,获学士学位;2006年6月毕业于中国科学院等离子体物理研究所,专业方向为辐射生物学,获博士学位。 2007年5月2008年5月哈佛大学医学院麻省总医院放射肿瘤系辐射生物学方向担任博士后研究员;2008年7月2010年11月香港城市大学物理与材料科学系核辐射研究所辐射生物学方向担任高级研究副职2010年1就职于中国科学院合肥物质科学研究院。




















1.  JueHou, Jie Ma, K. N. Yu, Wei Li, Cheng Cheng, LingzhiBao*,Wei Han*Non-thermal plasma treatment altered gene expression profiling in non-small-cell lung cancer A549 cells, BMC Genomics, 16:435, 2015.

2.  Hongzhi Wang, K.N. Yu, Jue Hou, Qian Liu, Wei Han*.Radiation-induced bystander effect: Early process and rapid assessment, Cancer Letters, 2015, 356(1): 137-144.  (邀请综述)

3.   Liping Tong, K.N. Yu, Lingzhi Bao, Wenqing Wu, Hongzhi Wang, Wei Han*.Low concentration of exogenous carbon monoxide protects mammalian cells against proliferation induced by radiation-induced bystander effect,Mutation Research-Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, 2014, 759(1): 9-15.

4.   Wei Han, K.N. Yu, Lijun Wu, Yican Wu and Hongzhi Wang, Mechanism of protection of bystander cells by exogenous carbon monoxide: impaired response to damage signal of radiation-induced bystander effect, Mutation Research-Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, 709-710, 1-62011.

5.   Wei Han, Lijun Wu, Shaopeng Chen and K.N. Yu, Exogenous carbon monoxide protects the bystander Chinese hamster ovary cells in mixed co-culture system after alpha-particle irradiation, Carcinogenesis, 312, 275-280, 2010. 

6.   Wei Han, Shaopeng Chen, K.N. Yu and Lijun Wu, Nitric oxide mediated DNA double strand breaks induced in proliferating bystander cells after alpha-particle irradiation, Mutation Research-Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, 684(1-2), 81-89, 2010 .

7.   Wei Han, Lijun Wu, Shaopeng Chen, Linzhi Bao, Leilei Zhang, Erkang Jiang, Ye Zhao, An Xu, Tom K. Hei and Zengliang Yu, Constitutive nitric oxide acting as a possible intercellular signaling molecule in the initiation of radiation-induced DNA double strand breaks in non-irradiated bystander cells, Oncogene, 26(16), 2330-2339, 2007.

8.   Wei Han, Lijun Wu , Burong Hu, Leilei Zhang, Shaopeng Chen, LingzhiBao, An Xu and Zengliang Yu, The early and initiation process of radiation-induced bystander effects involving in the induction of DNA double strand breaks in non-irradiated cultures, British Journal of Radiology, 80(1), S7-S12, 2007. (邀请文章)

9.   Wei Han, Lingyan Zhu, Erkang Jiang, Jun Wang, Shaopeng Chen, LinzhiBao, Ye Zhao, An Xu, Zengliang Yu, Lijun Wu, Elevated sodium chloride concentrations enhance the bystander effects induced by low dose alpha-particle irradiation. Mutation Research-Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, 624(1-2), 124-131, 2007.

10.  Burong Hu, Lijun Wu, Wei Han, Leilei Zhang, Shaopeng Chen, An Xu, Tom K Hei and Zengliang Yu, The time and spatial effects of bystander response in mammalian cells induced by low dose radiation, Carcinogenesis, 27(2), 245-251, 2006.

11.  BurongHu#,Wei Han#,  Lijun Wu, Huiyun Feng, Xuelan Liu, Leilei Zhang, An Xu, Tom K. Hei and Zengliang Yu, In situvisualization of DSBs to assess the extranuclear/extracellular effects induced by low dose α-particle irradiation,Radiation Research, 164(3)286-291, 2005 (#:共同第一作者,排名顺序随机) .


1.Wei Han, Peter K.N. Yu, Low Dose Radiation, DNA Double Strand Break and Mutation, Chapter 7 in Advances in Genetics Research. Vol. 4, Nova Science Publishers, Inc. New York. 2010.

2.Wei Han, Peter K.N. Yu, Response of cells to ionizing radiation, Chapter 6 in Advances in Biomedical Science and Engineering, Bentham Science Publishes Ltd. Illinois. 204-262, 2009.
